And here I am again...
... back at the Blogspot dashboard.
Apologies (Yes, I've done this many times) for not blogging much, but university work.
Yeah, you know the drill.
But, if anything, my papers this semester are a tad more interesting. Well, except for Psych201: Perception and Cognition.
Psych204, Social Psych, is so far the most interesting paper I've taken, dealing with things ranging from mate selection to attitudes and behaviour, from attraction to aggression.
You get to learn things like the
Halo Effect.
Basically, the Halo Effect is a common belief that attractive individuals possess a host of many other positive qualities beyond their physical appearance.
Various experiments have been done to show that good looking individuals, depicted in photographs, were perceived as happier, more intelligent, and more popular, and to have more desirable personalities, higher incomes, and more professional success (Bar-Tal & Saxe, 1976). (This is good practice for my essay writing since I got snapped for 'PlAGiaRiSM' in my last Psych essay. They're pretty pissy about things like this)
The only consistent negative inferences about the photographs were that they were often perceived as immodest, and are less likely to be good parents, and for the women, sad to say, were thought of as vain or materialistic (Podratz, Halverson & Dipboye, 2004).
And thats why you see billboards of good looking models, posing for your favourite sunglasses/clothes/cars. Its a sign of well being, success, a marketing campaign to entice the masses to buy their product.
And it works.
Why am I telling you this?
... is killing me. Is there a God? Is time forever? What is infinity? Lets try defining infinity! Oh, no wait, how about we try defining what the Laws of Nature are first! Or even better, lets try and confuse the heck out of everyone by giving really retarded examples of 'true' Laws of Nature! But wait! Can there really be a 'true' Law of Nature?! Lets talk about God! To infinity! And Beyond! wrhyhgbvhbyhgb!
Environmental Science...
... is actually kinda cool. I mean, at least I don't have to learn about Metaphysics.
Our first field project was to, basically, go bird watching, and figure out how bird species' diversity and density differs between an urban area and a park environment.
Well, heck, if you couldn't figure this one out, you shouldn't even be allowed into uni. Urban environement = more birds, less diversity, park environment = less birds, more diversity.
The more interesting part of the field project (we did it in the space of 4 days, 2 in one week and 2 in another) was when we were out looking for Pukeko out in Auckland Domain.
Well, we ventured into a semi-secluded part of the domain, where it was swampy and filled with thick bush and stuff, because thats basically where Pukeko live.
Anyway, after finding a couple of birds, we spotted a different kind of bird.
The human kind. A pair of them.
And they were doing something what mother nature would call, in our very aesthetic words, Boinking.
Or sexual reproduction.
Whatever suits you, Mr. Dictionary.
After the dawning realisation that we were perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time, we promptly ushered our way out of that particular out-of-the-way place.
But then...
I hate Murphy's Law.
Someone stepped on a branch, and it had to be the loudest cracking one ever.
Embarassment ensues.
Cowabunga, dudes!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has a movie coming out!
Ghost Rider has a movie coming out!
Spider Man 3 is ages away, but will nonetheless, come out!
So many comic book movies nowadays, it just kinda makes you wonder where all the good stories are.
And I can't wait for Silent Hill to be out in NZ at the end of the month.
I don't get it, New Zealand's one of the first countries to have the sunlight, yet one of the last to get movies.
Mr. Pie smiles at you
Music : Orson - No Tomorrow, The Fray - How To Save A Life
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