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Exams suck!

And I'm glad they're over!
Overall, wasn't too bad, I only felt reeeaaally reaaallly bad on one exam
Unfortunately, I assumed it was gonna be easy (or semi-easy, at least)
Turns out, I was wrong (which makes me feel stupid-er)
It was a really fun class, no doubt about that
(Besides the fact that my presentation group members were lazy asses)
I mean, what kind of class lets you put this video

in a presentation?
It was just my luck that my computer decided to die on the weekend before the presentation (I spent days prepping it!)
So, just a day before my presentation, I decided to just add the video to waste time
(It had to be about 45 minutes to and hour long, and not boring. Otherwise, heck, I'd fall asleep while I was talking.)
Oh well, what can ya do...

And just for hilarity:
Dr. Acula!

Seriously, why would anyone in the world would not wanna watch Scrubs?

Anyway, its gonna be a great summer!
Things are already in motion, plans have been made, and people will be humiliated!
I'll explain more in a couple of days, I wouldn't wanna ruin it in case anyone in particular reads about this :p
Think balloons in big boxes :D

Reading: Watership Down
Its about bunnies. That talk. And surprisingly, its really interesting.
Yes, you may think I sound mad
"Bunnies? Rabbits that actually talk? Are you RETARDED?"
No, I'm not. Well, partially not. I think.
But seriously, it is a good book.
Plus its got bunnies.

Wanting to watch:
Oh, so many movies.
The Grudge 2 - Yes, yes, I know its more retarded than me on a swing, but I can't resist horror movies. Being exposed to the Resident Evil games when I was young didn't really help.
The Prestige - Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman duke it out. Magician styles. I can't believe I just said that. Magician styles. Damn.
The Departed - Well, people are saying it isn't as good as Infernal Affairs (the original Hong Kong movie) but still, worth watching (seeing as I wouldn't understand much Infernal Affairs anyway)
Saw 3 - The entire series has more twists than M. Night Shyamalalamalamalamalalan on a good day. Oh, and its got better deaths apparently.
Borat: Incredibly Long Title Which I Forgot - Jagshemash! That all I need to say
Jackass 2 - After most of it being told to me by Laura, I kinda don't wanna watch it now... *Contains full frontal nudity of a certain Wee-Man, and horses*

And everyone needs to check out the awesome 80s action movie guide!
The 80s Action Guide!
Homoeroticism at its best!

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  • I'm JSoh
  • From Auckland, New Zealand
  • Quotes from actual people about me: "He's so... so bitter...", "...like Rambo with a granny handbag", "Spongebob Squarepants,he's yellow, he's wacky, and he doesn't have a brain"
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