Bruce Lee...

... is the man. He is the shit.
Just read it. And watch Way of the Dragon.
And thats just hilarious.
But this, however...

... If you're going "HOLY SHIT WTF MAN!" like I did when I first saw that in Way of the Dragon, then you also probably already agree with me that Bruce Lee could take on Jean Claude van Damme, Chuck Norris, and Batman altogether and still beat the living crap out of all of them.

Wascally wabbits...

... are really hard to control.

They dig continously around the garden, poo almost everywhere, and are virtually uncatchable unless enticed by big juicy carrot. Trust me, running after them, not a good idea. After hopping around everywhere, they'll eventually manage to find someplace to hide and contemplate on how to evade that funny asian guy who keeps trying to grab me.
Oh, and we haven't really named them yet.
As of the moment, they're still called Rabbit and Bunny ( I have no qualms about them names, its just that... I dunno, doesn't seem proper ).
If you guys have any suggestions for names, please feel free to express yourself in the chatterbox ( which is slowly dying and decaying ).
Names such as 'Zxstazk of the Orion Sigma Tribe' or 'Thor' will not be taken into consideration. At all.

Hutch development...

... has come to a standstill. Will update later once I get stuff done.


... are good. You can read books. Books help you learn things like:
Look at Jane.
See Jane run.
Run Jane Run!

But on a more serious note, I've been doing a whole lot of reading the past couple of weeks.
I read 'I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream', a short story by Harlan Ellison, a really, really pessimistic view of a post apocalyptic world where a supercomputer named AM rules and keeps 5 people alive and involuntarily immortal so that they may suffer and be tortured for eternity. Its quite a depressing read, but it, funnily enough, kept my attention. Kinda makes you think too. Heres the link for it - http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/classics/classics_archive/ellison/ellison1.html

Also been reading alot of Hannibal Lecter. Red Dragon is good, its kinda scary how the author manages to get so in depth, its as if he was that character in order for it to be written so well that way. Haunting to say the least. Still reading through Silence of the Lambs.
And various other psychology stuff about Dissociative Disorders, Schizophrenia, and about dirty, dirty Freud. Go search up Oedipus complex or Elektra complex on wikipedia, and you'll see what I mean.

Of petrol prices and Defensive Driving

Petrol prices are shit. Thats all I have to say.
Defensive Driving was... somewhat useful, although basically, its just $120 for faster access to my Full License. Yeah thats right. With a capital 'F' and 'L'.
Taking my test on the 2nd of May, so wish me luck then.
And I intend to keep the fatality rate below 5, excluding pets and little children.
If however, I do manage to surpass my expectations and kill more than 5, I might not pass. Might.

My posts...

... have become less frequent and more boring.
Is this the sign of times?
Is the end nigh?
What the heck does nigh mean anyway?
Well, as much as I'd like to attribute the quality of posts to the fact that I have an IQ of 2, the sad fact is that I have less and less time, what with Uni and a job and my confusion in certain matters that involve attraction, to think up funny/stupid/idiotic/*insert self insulting adjective here* posts.
In fact, I should be studying right now.
Right now.

I have 3 essays to do, all counting for quite a substantial amount in each of my papers. I have one week.


About me

  • I'm JSoh
  • From Auckland, New Zealand
  • Quotes from actual people about me: "He's so... so bitter...", "...like Rambo with a granny handbag", "Spongebob Squarepants,he's yellow, he's wacky, and he doesn't have a brain"
  • My profile

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