Published Saturday, June 17, 2006 by JSoh.
... do all good movies come out around the same time?!
Click - Kate Beckinsale... mmmmm Over The Hedge - Bruce Willis as a Raccoon, c'mon! Steve Carrell as Hammy the squirrel! Superman Returns - Kate Bosworth... mmmmmm 3 Fast 3 Furious - I swear, thats the real name for the movie Silent Hill - Possibly the only other decent horror flick to come out in a long time Moneels 20th...
... wasn't planned so well (Mathu planned it, sorta, but didn't have a contingency plan in case something came up i.e. Moneels exam finishing early on the day we were suppose to prank him, so I had to come up with all the last minute shit). Will detail the plan in a later blog, no pics as of yet, cuz Mathu's n80 sucks and doesn't have a cable.
World Cup Football...
... this year has been kinda controversial Too many red and yellow cards have been given out! Portugals gonna miss Deco, and maybe even Cristiano Ronaldo (thigh injury) and Figo (may get suspended for bashing someone) :( Spain is out... France actually beat Spain! Zidane actually scored! I'm surprised he didn't just keel over and die from old age right there and then! Argh! Well, on the plus side, it looks like Brazil is back to kick ass Even old Chubbzy is back in form (partially, maybe... he's still really unfit). I'm referring to Ronaldo by the way. *Update* Brazil lose to France! The end is nigh! And Rooney/Shrek is given a red card! For stomping on Carvalho's groin, as well as pushing C.Ronaldo. Don't you think he somewhat deserved it? You don't push a guy in front of a ref! But then C.Ronaldo was caught winking to his bench? And now hes getting kicked off Man Utd. Lucky that, cuz he'd be getting so much shit for getting Rooney into trouble that ROONEY caused. Looks like Red Rooneys done it again. Well, at least it'll be interesting to see Portugal play against France and Germany against Italy (I'm rooting for Portugal btw, and I really hope they beat France!).
And unfortunately, it looks like we won't be seeing much of this...
The RoboCrouch!
Heres various other funny World Cup pics
This blog...
... was originally intended to focus on my weird dreams, but, funnily enough, I never actually detailed many of them. Most of my dreams I've forgotten, but there is one that I had and I still sorta remember. Happened a few days ago.
You read at your own peril. Don't blame me if your IQ drops by 50 points after this.
Ok, well, I find myself (well, I presume its myself, but seeing as I never see a mirror at all throughout the dream, I can only presume) on a cruise ship, sailing over some deep dark sea. It is night, and I'm on the starboard side, just looking out to the darkness. The cruise ship is old, signs of visible rust around splits and corners, abundant with creaking doors and the like.
I spot something in the horizon. A wave? No, its too big. Wait. It IS a wave. HOLY. SHIT. I run back inside, close the door and cower in fear. For the next 2 hours or so, the ship is tipped over, people on the outside die, people on the inside die, people who were alive die, and a couple of survivors in my group die. Kurt Russell also dies. By drowning. Ok, well, that last part didn't happen, but I had to make reference to Poseidon somehow, seeing as I'm writing about a ship in the sea and all. Yeah, anyway, rewind back to that part about me being on the ship before the big "HOLY. SHIT. wave".
I suddenly find myself walking around cautiously, slowly. At this point I (as in me dreaming) just realise that I'm a stowaway, and don't want to mess up and step on anybodies toes or anything. Where I'm headed for, why I'm on this particular ship, I don't know. Anyway, I enter a massive gambling area. Surprisingly, it is a magnificent place, where everything is pristine, from the sparkling chandelier to the green of the gambling tables. I sit down at one table and start... well, gambling. This is where it gets fuzzy cuz I don't exactly know what game I'm playing, or what I'm playing for. All I know is, the stakes were raised, right up to all or nothing, and I won. Among the spoils was a box containing something, something very precious to another player, which, I guess, kinda angered him greatly, as he grabbed me by the collar and started calling me a cheater. And thats when I realised that that person was the captain of the ship. And he doesn't recognise me from the passenger manifest. Thats also when suddenly everything went quiet, and it felt as if all eyes were on me. I ran like heck. I scramble out of the room amidst inhuman shrieks, and I continue running until I get to one end of the ship. I go past a door which leads me to some stairs. But these aren't just normal stairs, they're massive! A step would be about my shoulder height, and I scramble to climb up a whole flight. After getting up to the first floor, I try to look into the doorway that leads to... heck, I can't remember. All I remember seeing thru that doorway was a long hallway with doors all the way down. It was clean and tidy nonetheless, but I figured I might not be so safe here, and so carry or climbing (literally) the stairs to higher floors. The shrieks and laughter seem to get closer as I reach the second floor, and look into the doorway to the main area. I see the same hallway, with doors all around, except this time, its... dirtier, rustier, and bloodier (I think its blood, I'm not so sure cuz it may be rust... heck I don't know). I decide to climb up further. On the 3rd floor, I swore I could hear the beating of wings, as I clambered onto the last step and looked into the last doorway. This one made me cringe. There was blood on the walls, blood on paintings, blood on the windows, blood everywhere. Either that or the whole place had a serious rust problem. Without a choice, I enter the hallway and take the first door to the right, and enter a room when...
... I wake up. Yes, it is weird. But thus is dreams. And this all happened in a half hour nap.
Published Wednesday, June 14, 2006 by JSoh.
...been really reluctant to blog this, but I guess I kinda have to in a way. It helps. All of the baby rabbits are dead. 1 of them went first, but before we realised anything, 2 more went. They hadn't even opened their eyes yet. They were just there, cold and dead. I managed to save one more and it was fine throughout the night, but the next morning it just... died. There it is, getting comfy in the little box of hay and cloth we put together. I did all I could, got a lil feeding bottle for it, fed it with really high caloric milk ( baby animal stuff ), kept it warm with a hot water bottle under the dry hay. It was just so sad when I first got it out of the shelter, holding it near the heater, trying to get it warm in between my hands. The way it just snuggled into my hands, jarred movement from cold limbs, to keep warm was just... I don't know how to even describe it. It was barely even breathing. Just the feeling of... well, you know its so close to dying, but you just hang on to it, and try to keep it alive, or at least it dies knowing someone cared for it. At that moment, I just really wanted it to do something. I wanted it to squeak ( if rabbits squeaked, I'm not really sure what sound they make...), I wanted it to move, claw, bite, attempt to chew my finger off, plot world domination, anything. I would've given anything to make it feel better. To make it normal and healthy. You can't believe how cold it was, being all alone out there. So small, so icy. So sad. The harder part was that we were probably the cause of the parental abandonment. I knew I should've looked up on baby rabbit care before, but it never occured to me, and I know it may not be much of an excuse, but Uni work keeps me really busy. But, as I've learnt, we're not supposed to touch or handle baby rabbits much, since rabbits are very sensitive to other animals' scents i.e. us. I guess the mother didn't like the human scent, and probably 'disowned' its offspring. We meant well, and... well, all we did mostly was shift them from under some sparse bush to a little rabbit hutch/house that we built to protect them from the rain and the cold wind. Thought maybe they'd be better off in some proper decent shelter. Unfortunately, I don't think the mother liked it too much. And I apologise if I've been a bit distant to people. I guess thats the sad thing about it. Life sucks. If you're a rabbit. We didn't even get to name them yet. World Cup...
... is upon us again. Sadness and stress from exams aside, I've watched most of the games so far. But its getting a bit crazy staying up from 1am and staying awake most of the nite thru to the next morning. I actually really only woke up one morning, after the dawning realisation that I had just dipped a banana into my coco pops ( I think I was trying to use it as a spoon. The splashing milk woke me up. The milk was cold. ) Anyways, teams this year, as per every year I guess, are kinda unpredictable. The African countries, especially the Ivory Coast, may very well go far into the tournament. The Czech Republic may also be an unexpected riser, think they might make the semi-finals. But eventually, it'll probably just come down to Brazil and Germany. France is full of old people. Argentina don't seem to be able to gel together. England is, unfortunately, weak this year. Portugal can't seem to score the goals. Italy has a decent defence, but attacking wise, they're not so good. As usual. I've yet to see Spain play, so hopefully they surprise. But in any case, yeah, Brazil vs. Germany in the end methinks, but its still kinda early in the World Cup, so its all just speculation. Losing your voice...
... is really irritating. Last Saturday afternoon, I somehow contracted some kind of throat infection, which led to the untimely loss of my voice. All I could do was talk in a really really low tone, anything higher would get you something between a hoarse whisper and possibly a wheeze. Please, no puns about being 'The Hoarse Whisperer'. Its weird, not being able to talk much. I'd hate to think if I were somehow mute or deaf. Anyways, still coughing now, but I've regained most of my voice. Ah, can't hit those high notes anymore, so no more of high pitched yelling ala The Darkness. The Beach...
... by Alex Garland, is a damn good book. I like the style of writing, possibly because it resembles mine, and to a certain extent, also resembles Chuck Palahniuks. Its very similar to Lord of the Flies, and I won't detail much else yet because I'm really wasted and its 1.30am here.
... I'll leave everyone with this little scene from the 25th hour.
This has possibly got to be one of the best scenes ever made. After having watched it, all I can say is... its a damn good movie. If you haven't already done it, go and watch it. Edward Norton is the shit.
About me
I'm JSoh
From Auckland, New Zealand
Quotes from actual people about me:
"He's so... so bitter...",
"...like Rambo with a granny handbag",
"Spongebob Squarepants,he's yellow, he's wacky, and he doesn't have a brain"