Mickey: D'ya like dags?
Tommy: Dags?
Mickey:Yeah, dags
Tommy: ... oh, u mean dogs? Course i like dags. I like caravans better.
... fuckin pikeys...
above is an excerpt from Snatch, a film by Guy Ritchie. The films got... well, swearing aside (its an English film :p) brilliant dialogue. Like Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrels. Oh, by the way, Pikey = Irish gypsy, neither here nor there, and almost not understandable in their speech :D.
Anyways, back to other things.
Had a pretty good start to uni (the schizophrenia is wearing off... well, sorta), pretty much don't need to sort out much as of yet. Spent last nite trying to figure out papers i should take on 2nd and 3rd year, boy that was a mission. But i'm pretty much leaning to more chem, a lil bit of bio, psych, and philosophy. Weird combo, i know, but i'm thinking those papers would help me get into forensics easier.
Met a girl (lets call her Jen) in philosophy today, and by Zeus, she's smart. Well, in an abstract sort of way. Deep thinkin, y'know.
*Caution, ranting ahead, you have been warned*
Well, our conversation basically just revolved around human nature, why we do the things we do. According to Aristotle, every being has a purpose. Like a chair. A chairs purpose is to be sat on. But, dependin on what type of chair, their purpose might be different. Like a couch. Technically it could be a chair. But its also a couch, u could (depending on how big you are) lie down on it and sleep.
Now then, what is the human beings purpose? Well, although there are many different "sub-purposes", ultimately, humans are in this world to pursue happiness. Happiness cannot clearly be defined, as each individual has a different perception to what happiness is. Like Dr. Evil. He's happy with doing evil things, eating ice cream, and playing with laser gun wielding sharks. But to others, their happiness could be money, love, you get it. Everything we do basically is done to further our pursuit of happiness. I work to get money. Money used for spending on food. Food + Me = Happiness. =D
But then we talk about the really eeeevil people, like Hitler. I mean, why would he want to proceed with the mass destruction of Jews? What kind of motive/freakd out form of happiness was he trying to pursue? The guy deserved a pineapple shoved up his ass. And syphillis. Unless somehow he appeased his soul as he tried to implement his super society where everyone has blonde hair and blue eyes (heck, he himself didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes, idiot...) by killing the Jews, its hard to find a rational explanation for his actions. Surely it must have been to pursue some form of happiness, but to wat extent would a person go to to achieve contentment?
So yeah, happiness. Happiness. The cause of everything. The be all, and end all. Happiness could be death, could be life, could be your girlfriend/boyfriend, could be a million bucks, could be a PhD in something, could be laser gun sharks, heck it could be your lunch tomorrow.
Wow, thats fucked up. I've typed total shit.
To compensate, i'll put in a short little something
Jay: While we're discussing Saurons appearance I'd just like to say-
John: Well, Jay, i'm going to have to interrupt u there purely because i want you to stop talking. Now, my research has found that they actually used Pete Jacksons eye as the model for Sauron in the Lord of the Rings films.
Jay: What in the hell are you talking about?
John: Thats actually Peter Jacksons eye. He's Australian so he has reptilian pupils.
Jay: ...
John: Its a well known fact that Australians are at least
half reptile. Some have even been known to be
a third reptile.
Jay: Dude, thats just total bullshit. Anyway, Peter Jacksons not even from Australia. He's from New Zealand.
John : Well, maybe we'll agree to disagree. Anyway, I've heard rumors that maybe they'll show the rest of Saurons body in the last film, The Return of The Jedi. Y'know, i've always pictured him as a fat guy wit a humongous eye. Like so
John: I'm pretty sure they modelled him after the bic guy.
Jay: ...
End transcript.
Well, another fruitless blog =P but o well, filled up my time =D L8r!
Song of the day : Dakota - Stereophonics
Food item for the day : Ma Higgins Choc Chip Cookies