I was the only guy who disagreed with the cops. And I had brain damage.
- Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce), from the movie Memento

*Caution: This post is long. Really really long.*

Well, first things first. 1st December, I'm back in Malaysia!
Its been nearly 4 years, and everyones changed. Spoke to a friend just a few days ago, damn, he sounds different. Hopefully everyone hasn't changed TOO much :P. Guess we'll see when I get back.
And I still haven't really sorted out where I'm going to be staying and stuff that I'll be doing and how I'm going to get around. But I'll get around to it soon. But knowing me, its all gonna be last minute stuff. *Packs extra cardboard box*

Anyways, highlights of the past couple of weeks:

1. Rainbows End! Had a fun day out at the theme park :P Roller coaster rides, Power Surge (where you're just spun around in every direction possible), bumper cars (YEA! GTA mutha*bleep*!), motion master (Robot... Something... was being played, all I remember was the massive chafing I got from the stupid seats and the robot going "OH NO! He's got the Jewel Of Power!"), Log Flume (the only ride we went on which had water splashing into our faces), the Free Fall (we dropped bout 18 storeys in a couple of seconds). It was a good, tiring, wholesome day.
2. Parties + Celcius + Work = not good. So damn tired these past few days. I could sleep just by standing up still with my eyes closed for a couple of minutes. Seriously. In fact I could just fall asleep now. Well, not now, but... yeah, ok nevermind, I'll just shut up.
3. Movies I've watched:
Corpse Bride : Like the Nightmare Before Christmas, its still funny and warm :P
Saw 2 : Really good, plot twists and gore galore!
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang : Loved it, real funny stuff, and Val Kilmer as Gay Perry (Lets just say he's called 'Gay' Perry for a reason)
Serenity : Sci-fi flick, its space western stuff, not exactly liked by many, but is still a decent movie.

So sleepy and tired. Feels as if Russel Crowe had a go at me with a telephone.
Well, I would blog more, but I think I'll preserve my sanity and go to sleep instead.
Oh what the heck.

So Zodiac signs. Interesting.
Yeah, it is.
What are we? Aquarius right?
"You are generous, open, and sincere to those you care about"
Haha, yeah..
"Although you appear quite cool outwardly, you are quite emotional and tender at heart"
Um... Yeah, I guess...
"When it comes to lovemaking, you are very imaginative"
...*awkward silence*
"You will look for a partner who is willing to satisfy your relentless pursuit of intense sexual experiences."
... *tumbleweed rolls*... Yeah...
You're such a horn dog y'know that?
... What? Its just my star sign, it doesn't mean that thats me!
Its a moth. So?
No no no no, no fire... why the heck would you need fire anyway?
So I can burn it out!! Before it lays eggs inside my chest!

Ok, so I lied, this blog was kinda dumb, and not really that long either...
But cut me some slack here, I've only had about 4-5 hours of sleep, on average, recently
I'll blog again before I leave for Malaysia, but for now, I'll just leave you guys with a lil excerpt from Memento:

Leonard Shelby: I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember them. I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world is still there. Do I believe the world is still there? Is it still out there? ... Yeah. We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different.


1. The condition of being free from restraints
2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention or oppression
3. The feeling you get after all your exams are done

1. The state of feeling pleased or gratified
2. A source of enjoyment or delight
3. The feeling you get after you relinquish control of your bladder after a massive 3 hour exam

In other words, it feels good now that exams are over.
However, instead of detailing what I did after exams :D I shall detail what I did before the last Chem120 exam.

8.00am Alarm wakes me up. I throw alarm clock on the floor. Me 1-0 Alarm clock.
8.02am Brother enters the room and proceeds to jump on my bed. While I'm in it. I punch him. Gently.
8.10am I actually start to get out of bed. Have about 20 minutes to get ready. 20 minutes is a long time. I go back to sleep.
8.30am I wake up for some unknown reason. Looked at watch. Proceed to curse and swear in many different languages, and more.
8.40am After having breakfast in the shower (Toothpaste on toast. Tangy.), I realise that its too late to catch the bus at the nearby stop. So I jump into my Civic and gun it down to Botany Town Centre. In other words, I didn't go very fast.
8.45am After ramming down 2 bikers (its not my problem they didn't wear their fluorescent vests!) and a few other road casualties later (maybe I shouldn't play too much Grand Theft Auto), I reach the bus stop at Botany.
8.48am I get on the bus, sit next to Jasmine. She looked pretty. But she always is. Looked real tired and stressed as well. Poor Jaz. Wish I could've helped her out, make her happy and smile.
8.50am-9.40am Try to study in the bus. But my mind just wasn't in the right place. Realise that I'm probably gonna bomb in this exam anyway. Jaz can't sleep.
9.40am-9.50am Reach uni, walk Jaz to the Auckland University Faculty O Farts. Yeap. The Faculty O Farts. Sign even says it.

9.50am-12.30pm Cram. Crazy Revision and Absurd Memorizing. Think my brain melted. I don't think it will ever be the same again. Felt some warm goo come out of my ears. Brain. Reduced. To. Sludge. Goo. ga. urgh. bleowujdlkgs. Sandwich.
12.30pm-2pm I try in vain to scoop up the remains of my brains. Maybe I could salvage some of that chemistry knowledge. After that I make my way to the Quad. Got some sushi and juice for lunch. Go to the comfy couches upstairs and indulge. Met Peter and a few other friends there. Peter started acting weird (he was gyrating underneath the table...), so I went to play Time Crisis 2. Really needed the stress relief. I think I shot the every guy at least 5 or 6 times.
2.00pm Its crunch time. And no, do not remind me of that stupid cereal ad. I make my way to PLT1. Pretty Lousy Theatre 1. Fantastic.

And then, as soon as it began, the exam ended. Ok well, I lied, the exam took ages, especially if u needed to go to the toilet and had to wait for the full 3 hours coz the examiners are dicks and won't let you out in the final 15 minutes.
Luckily, I have amazing bladder control. And lets just say the toilets were 'Out Of Order' because someone 'left the tap running'.

Well, its nearly 2am now, I better be off sleeping. Will blog later.

"It wasn't me!"- from a song by Shaggy. No, not the Scooby Doo Shaggy. The pimp Shaggy.


The case of the exam and the unprepared boy.

6.30am. Just a lil longer.
6.32am. A bit more.
6.45am. Ok get up boy, got a philosophy exam, need to do some prep.
7.00am. Shit the bus leaves in 10 minutes! Get the heck out of bed!
7.10am. 2 heart attacks and some toothpaste mixed with coco pops later, I arrive at the bus stop.
7.18am. Bus arrives. Late. Manage to spit out toothpaste but retain coco pops in mouth. Minty.
7.20am-8.30am. I sleep/study on the bus. Nothing much happened on the bus. Except for the fact that some middle aged lady was playing on a PSP. That PSP should be mine. Mine. MINE!!!
8.30am-9.00am. I cram. Its like eating in an all you can eat buffet. 'Cept you can stop willingly in a buffet. At the rate I crammed, my head should have exploded. Must find scientific explanation as to why head did not explode.
9.00am. I make my way to the exam room. MLT1. Most Lousy Theatre 1. Great.
9.15am. ID card checked, I enter the exam room. One of the examiners comments on my minty fresh breath. Get the hiccups.
At this point in time, I get to do another one of my internal conversations with myself.

So you ready for your exam?
Shh, concentrating...
Well, ok then, that means you're not ready
By not talking to me, it signifies you're 'not readyness'
Wow, I never knew it could be so quiet in here
Hey its that hot girl from you're tutorial class, Sarah
Hah! Gotcha, her surnames Jane, you ass! She's in a different class!
... I hate you so much
That means you hate yourself
Oh yeah
Do you wanna watch Doom later?
... *mumble mumble* Hegelian, Master-Slace Dialectic... Sartre, bad faith...
You wanna know who dies next week on Lost?
S, H, A-
I'm gonna get you...
*You may now proceed with 10 minutes of reading time*

And thus, armed with a sharpened sense of stupidity, I flip open the exam booklet.
And I nearly wet my pants. I knew these questions! And, luckily enough, studied them extensively. That was a relief, something I needed badly.

So many things to write, so little time. I might write another one again tomorrow.

Aaaaallrighty then! - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

About me

  • I'm JSoh
  • From Auckland, New Zealand
  • Quotes from actual people about me: "He's so... so bitter...", "...like Rambo with a granny handbag", "Spongebob Squarepants,he's yellow, he's wacky, and he doesn't have a brain"
  • My profile

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